How it all began...

My first dye, February 22, 2019 in the dining room with my wife's now ruined record player.

One of my recent dyes,
April 24th, 2020.
Hello! My name is Chase Marcus, I'm a 29 year old youth minister from southwest Missouri. Here is my story of how Greazy Dyes LLC was made.
It all began for me during Christmas of 2018.
My wife's family gets together every two years for a week of Christmas fun in Branson, Missouri. There are around 50-75 of us at a resort and things of course, are rad and out-of-control.
My brorther-in-law, Creighton, and I went with some of his cousins to play some disc golf at a nearby local course. For me, I was super pumped, I played a little bit in college and thought I'd be able to sling a disc further than anyone.
Not even close. Part of it was just my form was AWFUL, the other part is that I had recently just survived leukemia and my body wasn't quite Olympian status.
So, even though I played some horrible disc golf, I LOVED it and couldn't wait to start playing again. I dove into the sport. From watching Jomez to buying the most random discs (I had no idea what I was doing, it was just fun), and googling disc golf form techniques, I couldn't get enough.
Then, something a little unexpected happened, I had to take a break from work. As a youth minister, I wasn't able to keep up with working full-time. My health was crashing constantly from neuropathy, lack of sleep, and muscle pain. Chemo and leukemia had really taken a toll on me.
During that month of Sabbatical, I struggled to adjust to a new medicine. When I couldn't sleep at night, I found myself searching everywhere for the secrets of dyeing discs. From Reddit to Youtube to Facebook, I slowly found enough information to get started. I bought some dye, some white discs, and made... Nothing really special. As soon as I made a disc, I sold it, and bought another. This want on from March of 2019 until around December.
Then in January of this year, I almost gave up. I just felt like I was making discs that other people made and that I didn't have my own unique style or technique. In what was honestly a last ditched effort, I found a new way dyeing discs.
From then on, everything changed. I'm continually finding new styles and methods, and am expanding my range of art that I can put on a disc. To keep up with everything, I made Greazy Dyes an LLC and opened this Shopify. I'm now an official dealer for Prodigy, Dynamic Discs/Trilogy, and Discraft - with more to come.
I look forward to the future of both how I improve on my techniques and how I can help grow the sport as I support you as a player.